Bible Study – Philippians

Bible Study – Philippians

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Neal Radichel go through a study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  They will discuss the background of the letter, as well as the doctrinal content.  When he wrote this letter he was in jail in Rome and awaiting trial, yet it is known as his letter of joy.  In this letter of joy, Paul presents some important truths regarding the person and work of Christ and much more.  He presents the humiliation and exhaltation of Christ as well as the two natures of Christ (Chapter 2); the resurrection of Jesus and the heavenly citizenship Christ has won for sinners (Chapter 3); the role of every Christian in the work of Christ’s kingdom.  They look at the role of Epaphroditus and Timothy and their service to the Lord alongside Paul and others.  Listen for yourself and consider the value of this short book and the encouragement to rejoice in the Lord in any and every circumstance!

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