CPR – Prayer

CPR – Prayer

In this episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Neal Radichel and Nathanael Mayhew discuss the topic of Prayer.  What is Prayer?  Prayer is communication with God, it is not a Means of Grace.  Prayer is the way that God has given to us to communicate with Him.  Prayer is by nature a humbling thing where we admit we can’t do something on our own.  Prayer is for our benefit, not God’s.  He knows what we need, but He invites us to come to Him with what we need.  To Whom is Prayer addressed?  A false god or god that is unreal cannot hear or respond to our prayer.  True Prayer must be addressed to the one True God, the Triune God.  Prayer to saints is not prayer either.  These relatives or loved ones who are with the Lord cannot hear us nor do they know what is going on in our lives (Isaiah 63:16).  What direction do we have in prayer?  The Bible is full of examples of prayer.  We are selfish in our prayers.  We generally focus on physical requests in our lives, but in the example that Jesus gives us (the Lord’s Prayer), He emphasizes spiritual needs and requests.  We should pray according to God’s will.  We don’t know what is best for us physically, but we can be certain about our spiritual needs.  There is no spiritual blessing that God doesn’t want us to have.  The Lord is good and wants what is best for us (Romans 8).  We can trust Him when we come to Him in prayer. 

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