Review – Already Gone by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer

Review – Already Gone by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer

In this episode Pastors Neal Radichel and Nathanael Mayhew discuss and review Ken Ham and Britt Beemer’s book, “Already Gone.”  This book looks at statistics which show why less people are going to church and give some solutions to this epidemic in the Church.  He points out how churches in Europe have closed at an astounding rate, and this is carrying over into America.  Surveys reveal why people aren’t going to church.  For example: Boring services, chruch is too legalistic, too political, hypocrisy in the church, too far to go; not relevant; etc.  But the problem is that the culture has infiltrated the church and undermined the truth of God’s Word and the church has stopped being the church.  What is the solution?  First, the church needs to reteach and emphasize the authority of God’s Word.  We see this in the creation account and the rejection of God’s desire for marriage, in the truth of the resurrection and the conception of Jesus.  Once you start down the road of rejection of God’s Word, there is a very dark end.  Our purpose is to preach the Gospel which changes hearts.  God’s Word, His Law and His Gospel is always relevant in our world, because it is what we need to hear.  The responsibilty for this lies first and foremost with PARENTS and not with the church!  The solution starts with the Word of God in the home and supported by the church.  This book is a must read for parents and church leaders alike to help see the problem in our society and in our homes and as an encouragement to be faithful in our use and proclamation of God’s Word of Truth to the next generation.      

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